Name | Description | Type | Additional information | Nullable |
QuestionnaireId |
Id of the answered questionnaire. |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
False |
FinishedDate |
Date when customer has finished the questionnaire. |
date |
None |
True |
Answers |
Collection of answers. |
Collection of ImportAnswer |
Required |
False |
E-mail address of the customer. |
string |
None |
False | |
TransactionDate |
Date of the transaction. If not provided, the current date and time will be selected. |
date |
None |
True |
SurveyClosedDate |
Enddate of the survey. If not provided, batch enddate will be used. |
date |
None |
True |
Data |
Collection of customer data. |
Collection of CustomerData |
Required |
False |
Language |
Language of the survey. |
string |
None |
False |
IsContactRequested |
True when a customer requests contact via a check box combined with an open text question. |
boolean |
None |
False |
IsConcept |
Concept customer. Used for testing concept questionnaires. |
boolean |
None |
False |